Fiberglass Engineering
The only CR FRP Consulting Firm with Extensive Design & Fabrication Experience

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FRP 101

What codes and standards are used for the design of CR FRP equipment?
    ASME, ASTM and AWWA all publish codes and standards for FRP. IBC and ASCE publish codes for wind and seismic which are applicable to FRP equipment. See the FEMech Resources page for information on purchasing these codes and standards. Listed below are some of the most important codes and standards for CR FRP equipment
    ASME RTP-1 - Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion Resistant Equipment

    ASME Section X – Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

    ASTM D5364 - Standard Guide for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Chimney Liners with Coal Fired Units

    ASTM D3299- Standard Specification for Filament-Wound Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Resin Corrosion-Resistant Tanks

    ASTM D4097- Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoset Resin Corrosion-Resistant Tanks

    AWWA C950 – AWWA Standard for Fiberglass Pressure Pipe

    ASTM D2996 Standard Specification for Filament-Wound Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe

    ASTM D2310 Standard Classification for Machine-Made Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe

    ASTM D3517 Standard Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure Pipe

    ASTM D3982-03 Standard Specification for Contact Molded Fiberglass (Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Duct and Hoods
How is CR FRP equipment inspected?
    In most cases, CR FRP laminates are kept translucent so that they can be visually inspected. ASME RTP-1 Table 6-1 has an extensive guideline for visual inspection criteria. In some cases, laboratory tests should be run on manway or nozzle cutouts. The two most important tests are glass content and tensile properties. Acoustic Emission testing is a valuable tool for tanks and pressure vessels. See the FEMech Testing Services page for more information.
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Wednesday April 24, 2024